Are You Dealing with Sleepless Nights?

We fully understand the severe health hazards posed by sleep apnea, a sleep disorder that can cause you to stop breathing while asleep repeatedly. Our comprehensive line of sleep apnea treatment methods is scientifically designed to correct this problematic condition and allow you to get a good night’s sleep.

Our in-house TMJ pain treatment and sleep apnea specialist, Dr. Hitesh Patel, is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Clinical Sleep Disorders Disciplines and Pain Management. He is also a Fellow of the International College of Craniomandibular Orthopedics, the International College of Dentists, the International Congress of Oral Implantologists, the Academy of Dentistry International, and the American College of Dentists.

Dr. Patel understands how your breathing rhythm during deep sleep affects your overall health and is committed to collaborating with every patient to develop a tailor-made sleep apnea treatment plan. Such personalized treatment plans are based on the severity of the patient’s ailment and are customized to suit their distinct lifestyles and conditions.

Keep reading to learn more about getting personalized sleep apnea treatment in Naperville.

Lifestyle Modifications

Patients with minor obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can use some basic treatment options, including making healthier changes to their daily lifestyle. They are as follows:


Sleeping Position 

You should avoid sleeping on your back in the supine position as it allows your tongue and throat muscles to relax and slide further back into your airway to obstruct it. Simply changing the sleeping posture can help relieve symptoms of mild OSA. Raising the head of your bed by four inches has also shown effectiveness in reducing snoring by utilizing the effects of gravity which can naturally cause your throat to narrow out in the supine position.


Diet and Exercise 

Every overweight patient with OSA should attempt to lose some weight as it will ultimately decrease the fatty tissue build-up in the throat and improve airflow during sleep. Since weight loss can be an effective sleep apnea treatment, you will automatically feel a positive impact on your sleep quality and daytime drowsiness with exercise and diet. Here are some food items to avoid before bed:


  • Red Meat is loaded with proteins and fats and will keep your body working overtime to digest when you are trying to sleep.
  • Celery – It is a natural diuretic (flushes water out of your system) that may wake you up in the middle of the night for an unscheduled trip to the bathroom.
  • Dark Chocolate – It may be healthier, but it is loaded with caffeine and can complicate your efforts to fall asleep.
  • Spicy Food can cause indigestion, making it hard to get comfy and fall asleep easily at night.


It would help if you avoided heavy meals soon before your bedtime. A light snack is the recommended choice if you find yourself starving before bed. Snacks contain tryptophan and calcium like cereal, cheese, crackers, or peanut butter and toast are your best bet for a good night’s sleep.

Nasal Sprays

One can manage OSA causing nasal congestion by using a saline-based nasal spray to clear your nasal cavities before you sleep. Still, sprays and other similar decongestants are generally considered short-term sleep apnea treatment in Illinois.

Substance Abuse

Smoke is a significant irritant that causes inflammation in sensitive throat and lung tissues, leading to further airway obstruction and overall health degradation. Hence, smoking cessation is the first recommended step in sleep apnea treatment as quitting or reducing your smoke inhalation can help relieve OSA symptoms.

Alcohol has a relaxing effect that allows the throat and tongue muscles to fall back and cause airway obstructions. You should not consume alcohol for three to four hours within your bedtime to avoid further airway blockage. Additionally, alcohol makes you feel highly exhausted, but it also interrupts your deeply restorative sleep cycles.

Oral Appliance Therapy

There are various reasons due to which CPAP may not work, which is why we prefer an alternative option as oral appliance therapy. Oral appliance therapy can improve symptoms of OSA, including moodiness, daytime sleepiness, reduce/eliminate snoring and concentration issues. Moreover, it is another alternative for patients who doesn’t want to go through CPAP. It is handy and works without electricity.

Both the dentist and sleep therapist should together determine if this treatment is best for you.

At The Suburban TMJ and Sleep Center, we specialize in diagnosing OSA, sleep disorders, and TMJ-related issues. Our in-house sleep experts help patients customize their sleep apnea treatment therapies, so they never have to suffer another sleepless night. We make experiencing your daily life with sleep apnea much easier to handle.

If you are looking for the most reliable sleep apnea treatment in Illinois, talk to our team and let them take care of your health issues. Our center of excellence for TMJ and sleep also provides reliable TMD diagnosis and exceptional TMJ pain treatment and care for persistent and seemingly unrelated instances of pain.

Treating TMJ with Oral Appliances: Dr. Hitesh Patel Shares How
Best TMJ Treatment Options by Dr. Hitesh Patel Explained
Understanding PRF Treatment for TMJ: Dr. Hitesh Patel's Explanation
How Dr. Hitesh Patel Unlocks Locked Jaws Safely
TENS Therapy for TMJ: Effective Pain Relief with Dr. Patel
Cold Laser Therapy for TMJ: Insights from Dr. Hitesh Patel
Sleep Better with Oral Appliance Therapy: Dr. Hitesh Patel's Tips
Effective TMJ Treatment Options Shared by Dr. Hitesh Patel
Dr. Hitesh Patel’s Guide to PRF Therapy for TMJ Sufferers
Addressing the Challenge of Locked Jaw with Dr. Hitesh Patel
How Dr. Hitesh Patel's TENS Unit Treatments Help TMJ
Managing TMJ Pain with Cold Laser Therapy: Dr. Hitesh Patel Explains
Using Oral Appliance Therapy for TMJ Relief: Dr. Hitesh Patel's Insights
Common TMJ Symptoms and Dr. Hitesh Patel's Treatments
Unlocking Locked Jaws: Steps with Dr. Hitesh Patel
What to Expect from PRF Treatment for TMJ with Dr. Hitesh Patel

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