If you suffer from sleep apnea, you are well aware of the many harmful effects sleep apnea has on your life. As it happens in most cases, people struggle with sleep apnea their whole lives and don’t even know it, even if they are not overweight. Typically, sleep apnea symptoms do not become apparent until the problem has advanced to a more severe stage. Therefore, you need to find a sleep apnea treatment in Naperville that works quickly and prevents the problem from progressing.
There are three types of sleep apnea; Central Sleep Apnea (CSA), Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), and complex/mixed sleep apnea. CSA is caused by the soft tissue of the throat and soft palate collapsing back into the airway during sleep. OSA is caused by the tongue falling back into the airway during sleep. While both types of sleep apnea can cause breathing interruptions, the difference between them is that CSA can be potentially life-threatening in the long run. Complex or mixed sleep apnea is a combination of OSA and CSA, rarely found in our sleep apnea clinic in Aurora.
Symptoms caused by sleep apnea include restless sleep, gasping for breath during the night, excessive daytime sleepiness, unusual tiredness throughout the day, and waking up tired. Other symptoms include irritability and an increased tendency to fall asleep at the wheel or go back to bed in the morning due to drowsiness.
Most patients currently undergoing sleep apnea treatment in Naperville were initially unaware of their symptoms, but the people living with them noticed the following activities while they were asleep:
However, the patients reported experiencing the following symptoms:
Have you been experiencing any of these symptoms? If you are, Suburban TMJ and Sleep Center offers the most effective and tailored sleep apnea treatment in Naperville. You can contact our representatives to learn more about our procedure.
Several factors play a role in determining the severity of sleep apnea, including age, weight, physical activity, gender, and family medical history. Risk factors for developing sleep apnea include having a smaller upper airway, high blood pressure, high blood sugar, low muscle tone, excess weight, and large tonsil areas. If you think you may have sleep apnea, it’s essential to speak with a reputed sleep apnea dentist in Illinois. An exact diagnosis can only be made if specific laboratory tests are conducted.
Sleep apnea is believed to be associated with increased cardiovascular risk. Obese individuals are more prone to having sleep apnea, thus increasing the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases leading to heart failure. As oxygen levels are reduced, it is necessary to increase blood flow to the body for ample oxygen supply.
Another factor contributing to a high patient influx in our sleep apnea clinic in Aurora is incorrect breathing during the night. Individuals who suffer from sleep deprivation experience shortness of breath throughout the night. The lack of deep sleep associated with insomnia makes it easier for the airway to become blocked during breathing. If the breathing is restricted for too long, it may break your sleep abruptly and even cause permanent damage.
The significant factors that contribute to the blocking or collapse of the airway include the following:
When undergoing sleep apnea treatment in Naperville, patients generally choose oral appliances to help them breathe easily through the night while sleeping. Medical devices and surgical intervention may not always be necessary as non-intrusive methods such as positional therapy, hypnosis, massage therapy, and natural relaxation techniques can also help relieve symptoms. However, it is recommended that all individuals suffering from this condition consult an expert sleep apnea dentist in Illinois before deciding on a treatment option.
Maintaining a healthy weight can also help keep your airway clear, significantly reducing your sleep apnea symptoms. Research conducted at our sleep apnea clinic in Aurora has proven that even a slight weight loss in individuals with mild obesity can immediately eliminate the need for long-term therapy or upper airway surgery. In some instances, simply shedding a few pounds have stopped sleep apnea symptoms.
We offer the following options for effective sleep apnea treatment in Naperville:
You can consult our in-house sleep apnea dentist in Illinois to get more information about the treatment options mentioned above.
While several prescription medications are available for sleep apnea treatment in Naperville, many safe and natural home remedies are also effective. These home remedies include using a humidifier to increase moist air, listening to soothing music, exercising regularly, and avoiding caffeine, cigarettes, and alcohol. Breathing exercises like pursed-lip breathing, belly breathing, and pursed-lip floating are also effective treatments for those suffering from sleep apnea.
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